living with intentionality.

People who experience anxiety have to be very intentional with their time.

This means fastidiously planning out their day, establishing routines, and keeping inventory.
But this also means tedious and repetitive work planning and journaling. Wouldn't it be great to not have to do all such work manually?

entendr. reimagines such workflows.

We'll be launching the first product early 2024.
More to come soon.

Website Active

After careful thought and design work, the landing page is now active under the domain

We have our first product in the works and coming early 2024.
Tune in for updates!

Idea → Domain

This idea started as an idea for a more unified and intuitive experience that does not take hours to set up and maintain. It should help get your things done more effectively, and to do that:

  • It needs to offer a useful repertoire of features that simplify the productivity process.
  • It needs to get out of your way, so you can do your stuff.

Then came one of the biggest problem in computer science: naming things. entendr. was adapted from entendre, which means "to hear/understand." Our lives generate a continuous stream of signal, and we must be willing to attend to it, to understand it.


How hard could it be, to create an ordered list?

Data-driven behavior change is hard. You can easily establish a framework for planning their way through life and positively reinforcing useful signals, but it requires discipline and consistent work to follow through.

There are hundreds of products that offer to help, from scheduling apps such as Motion to journaling apps such as Tana, Obsidian, Notion, and others. The most profound technologies are those that disappear, yet these require tens, even hundreds of hours in set-up and maintenance.

The less you would spend worrying about getting your stuff done, the more you would spend not doing your stuff, it would seem.

Everything, Everywhere

So, what are you anxious about?

Do you ever feel like there's too much to do?

everything, everywhereeverything, everywhere

If you're like me, you probably struggle explaining the cause of your existential dread. But you cannot ignore the competing thoughts, tasks, and expectations clamoring for your attention; the need to be more, do more, achieve more. It's almost nothing, but it sure isn't.

This can feel overwhelming. We should be more present, more mindful, and more in tune with ourselves and our needs.
